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Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality: What's the Difference?

You’re probably familiar with the term virtual reality, but did you know that augmented reality is also a thing? Sometimes these two terms can be used interchangeably, but they’re actually quite different in many ways. Read on to learn more about the differences between augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (AR) so you can determine which option is best for your needs.

Virtual Reality or Augmented?

Virtual reality removes a person from the real world and replaces it with a completely different, simulated version. Augmented reality lets you experience the real world, but it has been changed or enhanced in a new way. VR requires complete immersion, which means that you need to use a device to help you shut out the world around you. AR can use a combination of things like applications that are utilized by people in job training, remote collaborations, or even in tandem with computer-related tasks.

How These Realities are Used

Augmented reality tends to work best in workforce training or marketing applications. This option is also a great way to provide employees or customers with remote assistance for help to use products or for training on the job. Many maintenance professionals utilize AR to help them walk through making repairs on-site. Headsets can be utilized to record and narrate tasks, then given to workers to help them train in a more hands-on way along with extra digital assistance.

For virtual reality, people are completely immersed in another world. This application is often used for things like video games and entertainment, but it also has some practical uses, too. VR is perfect for real estate tours, training doctors and nurses, and even given pilots or drivers some experience using the equipment before they actually fly an airplane or drive a truck. Whichever technology you use, AR and VR are the new pioneers in immersive technology.

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